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Passepartout Part 5 has launched... sign up at the NEW website!

November 24, 2019, West Newbury, MA — Twenty-five days and counting! Can you guess whereto this time?

If you were with me on my second World Cruise (Passepartout Part 3) but hadn’t signed up for Part 4 (Greece and a few Greek isles, last summer), you didn’t get the notification to re-up that I put on the Part 4 site. So here it is for all of you Part 3 subscribers.



My next Other Worldly Adventure begins the middle of next month. If you’d like to come along, you must sign up again — the web address is different — and you must do so on the new Part 5 website*, not on this one! This means you’ll get each new post in your e-mail Inbox the moment I hit the ‘Publish’ button. Just follow these instructions. Go to the new site:

In the right-hand column, scroll all the way down until you see SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL.

Fill in your Email address, and hit ‘Subscribe Now.’

IMPORTANT: Add to your Address Book (if it isn’t already there). Otherwise the emails that are automatically sent may end up in your Junk file. ‘Wordwrite’ is the email account of my other nom de plume...

Just to be safe, check your Junk file occasionally!

I look forward to welcoming you aboard! #

©2018, 2019 Susan Nash/PassePartout
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