Yes, they eat sardines in Sardinia
April 26, 2018
Our second Mediterranean island (after Malta) was the Italian-ish Sardinia, to differentiate it from the French-ish Corsica. Though one’s part of Italy and the other’s part of France, they are both fiercely independent in their culture, spirit and local language. Sardo is still spoken — Italian didn’t become common until TV brought it to the island!
In the splendid crypt of the Cathedral of Santa Maria in the capitol city of Cagliari, which D. H. Lawrence called the ‘white Jerusalem.’

Much of the island was demolished by American and British bombing during WWII, but some beauties remain...

This style of streetlamp shows up all around town...

Part of the old city wall at the left — and the Viking Sun barely visible in the harbor, to the left of the tallest red blossom. I thought that was a kniphofia, but now I’m thinking yucca.

You know me and doors... #

*I've been having trouble recently getting the Original Post links to work. If you'd like to read any of them: Go to the right column and scroll down to ARCHIVE, then locate April 2018. The Original Posts are there.