Just (some more of) the stats, ma’am...
West Newbury, Massachusetts, May 6 — A far less exotic dateline (sigh). At the ‘Captain’s Farewell’ ceremony, we were given these statistics, which were as of May 2, the 140-day mark:
5,827 ‘treatments’ at the spa
71 guest entertainers at the Star Theatre
129,861 uniforms pressed
289,180 pillowcases washed and pressed
77,998 eggs cooked
62,181 potatoes peeled
114,633 loaves of bread baked
444,000 plates washed
124,081 bottles of wine consumed = 2.6 glasses per day per passenger*
*Obviously there are many teetotallers on the ship
I will pull together one more post with photos of Last Days Aboard, since there were numerous activities...
Until then, a Viking proverb:
He is truly wise who has travelled far and knows the ways of the world.
He who has travelled can tell what spirit governs the men he meets.
— Hávamál, The Sayings of the Vikings